Motivation Needed
Its not easy to transition from one class to the next, switch from this project to that, motivate 28 students to return the art room to a presentable, organized state in five minutes or less AND make it fun and something the kids want to do.
I want to share with you a couple of systems that I use in my art room. One that I have been using for the last 18 years and one that I just began this year. Not this school year. This 2016 year, and I'm wondering why I didn't start it sooner because it works so well and the kids love it.
Golden Broom (the old trick)
At the end of each class period, after the students have lined up, I judge how well the class cleaned up, and if they did a good job I award them with a ticket or more to drop in a jar (I have one for each grade). They write their homeroom teacher's name on the ticket. On Friday at the end of the day a ticket is drawn out of each jar and the winners are announced during announcements. The winning classes keep a Golden Broom trophy (a small broom I spray painted gold) in their homeroom for the following week until the next winner is announced.
Clean-Up Jobs (the new trick)
I would like to thank blogger, Cassie Stephens for giving me the inspiration for this idea. The management method she demonstrates in her blog post gave me the idea for my system.
When students are finished with their project for the day, they go over to this poster and select a clip from the poster that has a job written on it.
I made a clip for each job needed to clean up after any project we do. Different clips are put on the poster each day or class period depending on the project we are doing. This gives the students more ownership for organizing and cleaning up the art room. When students finish for the day they flock to the poster to choose a job and they love being in charge of what they choose to do. My favorite is the "shelf keeper." This works very well for 3-D projects. The shelf keeper directs students where to put their projects and checks if the name and class code is written on it and anything else that needs to be checked. For example if there is glaze on the bottom of a clay piece they either wipe it off or send it back and have the owner of the piece fix the problem. It frees me to be able to continue to circulate around the room and assist students. The clips are attached the students' clothing so I know who is doing what. The students return the clips before they leave. This system is great for keeping those mobile kids busy!